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Are you worn out, grieving, disoriented? This is an invitation to "try softer."

If you are like many, you just can’t try harder…not right now. This will be a group experience that will be gentile, supportive, and help you know you are not alone. We will draw from the book Try Softer by Aundi Kolber and the work of Dr. Brené Brown.

This group might be for you if you would like to…

  • Take a deep breath
  • Be with other women in a supportive setting
  • Learn about how our body and brain do trauma, grief, and stress
  • Learn how to “try softer” with profound, yet practical tools for self-compassion, self-care, and increased resiliency

Upcoming dates and times for 2024 TBA…stay tuned!


Schedules are full and it’s understandable that you may have some conflicts. If you can make 5 or more, please join us! Your payment holds your spot in the group, so there is not compensation for missed sessions. 


TBA…stay tuned!


Regus Building
6165 NW 86th St
Johnston, IA

Sessions will be held in person. Telehealth will be available for anyone to join who is suffering from COVID or other illness/exposure. Group members will be asked to hold strict caution to others regarding any known COVID exposure and attend the group via Telehealth if needed.

Group size: 6 women maximum

Your participation in the group will be confirmed upon the receipt of your deposit along with the submission of registration forms. This group will be led by Nancy Schornack, LMHC, CDWF. If you have any other questions at all, please reach out via email.

Email Nancy
Register Now

To register for this event, please fill out the questionnaire, informed consent, and payment forms below.

Upon clicking the Payment button below, you’ll be sent to our PayPal page. Click the Send button, sign into your PayPal account, and enter the name of the event you are registering for, and either the deposit amount, or the full amount listed for that event. If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you can sign up here.

Your participation in the group or workshop will be confirmed via email upon the receipt of payment and the submission of registration forms.

Registration is closed for this group. Stay tuned for the next session.

QuestionnaireInformed ConsentPayment

Author secondjourney

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