Would you like to experience more courage, deeper connection, generous compassion towards yourself and others, and live more fully from a place of belonging and worthiness?
We invite you to join us for this creative experience to explore the path toward wholehearted living! Com on your own, or invite friends!
The workshop will include:
- Exclusive video presentations featuring Dr. Brené Brown
- Experienced facilitation by Nancy and Robin
- Meaningful sharing and connection with other women
- Creative and experiential activities to aid your learning
Next workshop TBA…stay tuned!
Register Now
To register for this event, please fill out the questionnaire, informed consent, and payment forms below.
Upon clicking the Payment button below, you’ll be sent to our PayPal page. Click the Send button, sign into your PayPal account, and enter the name of the event you are registering for, and either the deposit amount, or the full amount listed for that event. If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you can sign up here.
Your participation in the group or workshop will be confirmed via email upon the receipt of payment and the submission of registration forms.